Why Isn't Soap and Water Enough?
Posted on December 07 2020

If you're anything like me, your knowledge of cars is slim to none. Growing up, I witnessed my oldest brother, you may know him as Andy, fall in love with detailing cars. I watched him go from car salesman to starting his own business and while I couldn't be more proud of him, I still have no idea what exactly he does. Luckily, in detailing my car, he taught me some basic terms and phrases used in the car business.
One of my biggest obstacles when it came to cleaning my car was not understanding why I needed to use specialty products. When I was younger, I thought basic soap and water would wash away all the grime and dirt--wasn't that enough? Turns out, as basic as my question was, there was also a simple answer. Special products specifically meant for cars allow for maximum clean and care. Like anything you own, you want to treat your items with respect, care and gentleness. A car should be tough on the road, but cared for at home. So, to answer my own question, basic soap and water would more harm my car than help it.
Certain products, such as P&S' Leather Treatment, as well as their Carpet Bomber worked wonders on the stains that seemed to set into my carpets and seats. In a matter of minutes, the grime and gross dirt that seemed to be caked into the interior vanished--looking and smelling almost brand new. Not only are these products cleaning the areas on contact, but they are also moisturizing and protecting. SO MUCH BETTER THAN REGULAR SOAP. So, if it was ever a thought in your mind, just ignore it. If you need help with any products, don't hesitate to reach out to Andy and check out his store for the products mentioned! Tried and tested, I swear by P&S and Renegade Products. They literally transformed my car.